I got an email from a professor today asking for some input on Java and Solaris… 15-20 minutes of my time is not asking much… but it seems like Sun is the type of guy who is offering some candy from the sliding door of a panel van…
We are inviting you to provide feedback and input by participating in this survey. We are offering a chance to win one of 4 American Express gift cards, each in the amount of US$50. We anticipate you allocating fifteen to twenty minutes to complete the relevant sections. The deadline for completion is February 5th.
Our objective is to better understand the following:
* What is your experience so far with Java and Solaris courses?
* What is your opinion of the books and other courseware available?
* Do you plan to work in a field using Java or Solaris after graduation?
* What do you know about professional certification?http://bookdev.com/Sun/student_survey/
4 replies on “Is It Just Me, Or Does Sun Comes Off As A Creepy Uncle?”
I’ve really always seen Sun as the creepy uncle. LOL Glad I’m not alone now. 😀
Did you do any kind of Java certification? I got that same email, but I assumed it was because I’d taken the Sun Certified Java Programmer exam.
It’s a standard corporate survey, nothing special about this one :/
I agree with Vadim. Corporations, schools, restaurants, websites, and other organizations send this type of thing out all the time. Revision3 is asking all its viewers to complete a survey in exchange for a “special video” (45-second timelapse video). BestBuy offers the chance at coupons and such for taking surveys on their website. Are those (and other) companies “creepy uncles” too? They are just companies trying to make a buck and learn more about their customers. Nothing wrong with that, in my opinion. Disclaimer: I’m a Sun employee.