
Buy a Dell-Supported Ubuntu PC and plant a tree for $385

I think I’ve got a for a new PC for the girlfriend! This is actually CHEAPER than building yourself.  In the end you save a pretty penny, because the upgrade to 1GB of RAM is free, and you save $100 off the total price of the system (limited time offer).

Check out the specs:

Intel®Pentium® dual-core processor E2140 (1MB L2, 1.60GHz, 800 FSB)
Ubuntu Desktop Edition version 7.04
1GB Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM at 667MHz- 2DIMMs
160GB Serial ATA Hard Drive (7200RPM) w/DataBurst Cache™
48X CD-RW/ DVD Combo Drive
128MB NVIDIA GeForce 8300GS
Integrated 7.1 Channel Audio
Dell USB Keyboard and Dell Optical USB Mouse

1Yr In-Home Service, Parts + Labor, 24×7 Phone Support
Support Reforestation: Plant a Tree for Me

This is an amazing deal from Dell. And if you’re a really cheap bastard, you can save an additional $6 by not planting a tree.

Help support Ubuntu by purchasing here.

Games Linux

What do you do when your girlfriend wants to play N64 games on Linux?

Answer: Get it working. No matter how much time or effort it takes. Then blog about it, and finally have her read your post.

About 2 months ago, before I made the switch to Linux full-time, I installed the Project64 emulator when I was running Windows.

I started up Mario64 with a Saitek USB joypad and the girlfriend came over and asked to play. She absolutely LOVED it. So much in fact, that she has mentioned it about it every few days for the past two weeks or so.

If you know anything about women, this means she REALLY wants to get her game on.

As far as legality goes, I can’t get much more legal than Mario 64 – I’ve got a Nintendo 64 sitting in my closet with a plethora of games including Mario 64, which was included with the game system. Unfortunately the process of backing up a ROM is the legal grey area here. I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice. You are on your own.

You might be asking yourself this question: If you’ve got an N64, why the heck are you using an emulator?


Now I see why people like Ubuntu.

Well I tried ArchLinux for all of the amount of time it took to install the distribution.

It’s not fantastic.  Seems like the community-developed package directory is by FAR more superior to Portage, and silly things like adding repository URLs to apt-get or yum.

I gave Fedora 7 a try and… I’m writing this to you right now in their wonderful Gnome environment.  I have the same problem I did with it about a year ago, which is no mp3/etc support out of the box, nor an easy solution like Ubuntu has with a waiver of responsibility.

I also attempted to get the nVidia binary driver working in Fedora just now with a very easy guide… that failed miserably.

I think from now on I’m just going to work towards having a dual-boot setup.  Windows for when I need to get things done (or blow people up), and Ubuntu when I feel like a challenge and learning something new.


Thinking about upgrading to Gutsy Gibbon? Read my experiences first.

Simplistic installation method:
sudo sed -e ‘s/\sfeisty/ gutsy/g’ -i /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Only 3 commands. Not shabby. Those few commands completely upgraded the system.

Downloaded 670MB of packages (425 after installed?) to upgrade from Fiesty Fawn.

Not many errors yet, but we’ll see after rebooting. Just in case I’ve got a burned copy of ArchLinux.

Done with the reboot. Looks clean! Same issue as before with requiring me to authorize the usage of nVidia binary drivers.

Oops!   Ubuntu failed horribly upon reboot to utilize the nVidia driver.  Tried to browse the Ubuntu forums via Lynx (terrible experience by itself!) to find a fix.  Found a couple but nothing worked.  Gave up on Gutsy for now.

Arch Linux here I come!


I’m running Ubuntu and after 2 reboots

Fully updated even!  One reboot after installation, then another after installing a new kernel.  nVidia 7800GT detected and installed perfectly.  Fired up Firefox, went over to YouTube, and BAM missing plugin.

“Oh dear,”  I thought.

Clicked the button, next, my rights are voided, finish.

It works!  Flash Player in all of it’s glory.  Sweet.